St Hilda’s is a Christian school in the Anglican tradition.
Students have Chapel once a week with their Whanaungatanga group. We also have full school Chapels for special events such as Eucharist services, Ash Wednesday, and St Hilda's Day. Many students contribute to our Chapel Services and there is an active Chapel Committee.
Students have Religious Education classes at every year level from Year 7 to Year 12. However, we don’t expect all of our students and their families to be Anglican but we do expect that they embrace the values that our special character brings.
This begins with the willingness to explore faith, and includes respecting the intellectual, emotional, physical, social and spiritual well-being of all people, as well as relating to each other, and the world, with compassion, service, grace and justice.
It is these values, above all, that guide everything we do in the school – from the classroom to the sports field.