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St Hilda's

Student Support

We are proud of our professional support systems and our people because they care deeply and are here to wrap support around the students. We are here to help our young people be the best versions of themselves. This can include recognising when they are doing well and helping them lean into their learning edges and become comfortable with discomfort.

Senior Leadership and the Deans team: The Deans team and the Deputy Principal of Pastoral are passionate about student wellbeing and are all experienced in this space.  We work closely together to support our students and their whanau with their learning, relationships, behaviour, and wellbeing. 

Counsellor: Marcelle Nader-Turner is a counsellor and neuropsychotherapist, working with our students to help them find solutions to the tough stuff that life can throw their way. Addressing the whole range of emotional and mental health needs, Marcelle works with families and staff, where appropriate and in consultation with the student. It is a confidential service and Marcelle is bound by the New Zealand Association of Counsellors Code of Ethics. Marcelle also attends Health classes when appropriate and shares ways to manage stress, anxiety and sex education information. Tilly (Mathilda) is always alongside appointments and class visits and offers her soothing, loving approach to everyone, always. 

Chaplaincy: Our Chaplain, Dr Gillian Townsley,  actively creates a supportive and communal environment by working closely with our students and staff.  Time is taken to understand the spiritual and emotional needs of our students with empathy and without any bias. 

Orah and the Nurture Wellbeing App: Our students are encouraged to use the Orah Nurture app to log their wellbeing state using the mood checker.  We ask that they use it weekly during whanaungatanga time, however they are encouraged to use it more often. By regularly using the mood checker students are learning to understand their own emotions and it enables our students to engage in self-reflection. This helps students gain awareness of their emotions, thoughts, and responses to challenging situations. When our students use the mood checker their Dean is the only adult that can see their data. They are there to support the student, if the student wants help.

Learning Support: The vision of our Learning Support team is to accelerate and support the learning of students experiencing challenges with their studies. Our staff will support every child in a safe, caring and non-judgemental environment.

Student Independence: St Hilda’s does everything to provide the best support for students with learning delays. Simultaneously we foster independence so that no child is entirely reliant on the support provided. Our staff are aware that a culture of ‘learned helplessness’ is not advantageous to students in the long term. Our aim is to develop learners who are resilient and who embrace challenges in their learning journey.

Special Assessment Conditions (NCEA): We ensure students who qualify for special assessment conditions (SACs) receive them for NCEA. Our staff fully inform students and parents about the processes and procedures.

Restorative Practice: As a restorative school, behaviour and relationships are managed through restorative practice from conversations to whanau conferences, where we identify the behaviour that has caused the harm and work towards repairing the harm that has been done to the relationships. As a special character school, it is important to acknowledge that restorative practice has its foundations in the Gospel message of reconciliation and the concept of 'shalom', the peace that comes when we are in a right relationship with those around us and with God.

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