Save the Date! St Hilda's Collegiate School Fair - Saturday 15th March 11AM - 2-PM: Click here for more information

St Hilda's

Creating a sense of belonging comes from deeply caring for our girls

Boarding at Tolcarne is based on the family values of belonging, empathy, respect and, integrity.

Creating a ‘sense of belonging’ comes from deeply caring for our boarders.

"If students feel nurtured and deeply cared for, they start to belong. Students need to firstly believe in and belong to themselves so they have the confidence to share their authentic self with others. True belonging requires you not change who you are but to be who you are" 

(Brene Brown).


We believe Tolcarne is a ‘home away from home’ for all of our boarders; providing support, guidance, fun, safe guidelines and wonderful opportunities within a very caring and inclusive environment.

Our Year 13 Buddy system, Year 12 Boarding Leader programme, our multi-year level tribes, Junior Wellbeing ‘Koru’ programme, Year 11 ‘Korero’ programme and our Head Boarders are integral elements that add value to our ‘belonging’ culture.

Student Safety

Student safety underpins everything we do. We have a high trust model, based on a high level of communication from the girls. Letting us know where they are going, and what they are doing. The girls enjoy a little more freedom at each year level, reflecting their age and privilege. From Year 9, where students receive close support, to Year 13, where students have the opportunity to live in self-catering, 5 bedroom apartments.

The boarding staff work towards developing a relationship based on trust with each girl, this enables all of us to live together respectfully and considerately. We are committed to ensuring the well-being of each student, our restorative behavioral management processes and the smooth running of the boarding hostel. We aim to partner with families and students to ensure a successful boarding experience for all.

What our girls and their parents have to say about Tolcarne;

“I like Tolcarne, it’s bright, warm and welcoming and it feels like home” - Year 9

“We are a tight knit group and there is good bonding between different year levels” - Year 13

“It feels like we are all sisters” - Year 11

“Being offsite means we get that ‘away space’. I like it like that” - Year 12

“I really appreciate the work that goes into making it feel like a family” – Parent

“The staff are on the same level as the girls, they appreciate that every girl is unique” – Parent

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