At St Hilda’s our special character is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that a key part of this is to give service to others.
Amnesty International:
The St Hilda’s Amnesty International group meets once a week during lunchtime. It is a fantastic way to find out about worldwide issues and contribute to the improvement of social justice. The group is involved in a wide range of activities, from letter writing to baking for local charities.
Ask Aunty Hilda:
Ask Aunty Hilda is a group run by students for students. It is for anyone in Years 12 and 13 who is passionate about women's rights, healthy relationships, sex, sexuality and understanding and accepting ourselves and our bodies. Ask Aunty Hilda runs the website under the same name, and is a place for reliable information, blog posts on current events affecting women and a question-and-answer page for anything related to relationships and sex.
Chapel Committee:
This involves a group of students from every year level who like to support the chapel life of the school. They do not have to belong to a church or have any other prior knowledge or experience, other than an interest in chapel and a willingness to help out. Students can become acolytes (carrying the candles into chapel), run the power point, clean brass, do readings, say prayers and generally get involved where needed.
Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award:
Students can enter the Bronze level of the award in Year 10. Silver and Gold can also be gained while at St Hilda’s. All three levels emphasise service, physical activity, learning a new skill and planning and undertaking a practice and final expedition.
Healthy Harbour Watchers:
Volunteers involved with Healthy Harbour Watchers take water samples once a month from the Dunedin Harbour and process these at the University of Otago Chemistry lab. Students test for nitrates, chlorophyll and bacteria, before entering the results into a database. It is important work that adds to our body of knowledge about both seasonal and long term changes in harbour water quality.
International Buddies:
This is a group of students who catch up once a week with the international students and have lunch together. It is a great way for the international students to make some new Kiwi friends.
Student Librarians work alongside our school Librarian to design and implement Library initiatives. The intention of the group is to make the Library a warm and welcoming space. As part of their service, Student Librarians also contribute to the day to day running of the Library by completing a range of tasks including issuing, returning and shelving books.
Teen Ag Club:
TeenAg Clubs are set up at secondary schools throughout the country. It’s a chance for young people to get together with other like-minded students, organising events and activities. TeenAg is all about introducing young people to a range of land based careers and career pathways, by sampling roles and experiences within the agricultural industry. The club meets during the lunch break throughout the term, endeavouring to have a fun inter-club activity or field trip when possible. Key parts of our school year are the Gumboot Day fundraiser and the "Interhouse Young Farmers Competition.
Wellbeing Club:
This is run by our Wellbeing Prefects and is an opportunity for students to participate in a number of activities to enhance their own mental well-being and to contribute to the well-being of the school through group-led initiatives.
Young Enterprise Scheme 'YES':
This is designed for Year 12 and 13 students who set up a company, create real products or services, compile and implement a business plan and make real profit or loss. Each 'YES' company can enter National and Regional competitions, culminating in the National Awards where the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Company of the Year is announced.
Z Club:
The St Hilda’s Z Club is a group comprised of Year 12 and 13 students, who work together to help “advance the status of women worldwide”. The Z Club endeavors to raise money and create awareness of issues affecting women both locally and internationally.